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Creating high quality books on building and fitness
for over 45 years

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Rolling Homes, the most recent addition to Shelter’s Library of Building Books, covers the nomadic revolution going on right now. Vans, pickup trucks with camper shells, buses, and trailers — with designs, insights, and stories of the road by their owner-builders. Two years in the making, this book covers some 80 rolling homes.

This is the story of Lloyd and Lesley building a home and establishing a garden on a small piece of land on the Northern California Coast over a 46-year period. Starting with a vacant half-acre piece of land, they built their own home, created a garden with vegetables and fruit, and describe raising chickens, bees, and goats. The book also covers cooking, foraging, fishing, crafts, birds, butterflies, and tools.

The story of Lloyd and Lesley building a home and establishing a garden on a small piece of land on the Northern California Coast over a 46-year period. Starting with a vacant half-acre piece of land, they built their own home, created a garden with vegetables and fruit, and describe raising chickens, bees, and goats. The book also covers cooking, foraging, fishing, crafts, birds, butterflies, and tools.

Our best-selling book about small houses, campers, road rigs, houseboats, cob, straw bale, round timber, and much more.

Our best-selling book about small houses, campers, road rigs, houseboats, cob, straw bale, round timber, and much more.

A practical book for an owner-builder interested in building a simple stud-frame house.

A practical book for an owner-builder interested in building a simple stud-frame house.

Fascinating and unique, Wonderful Houses Around the World gives children a welcome entrée into other places and other lives throughout the world.

Fascinating and unique, Wonderful Houses Around the World gives children a welcome entrée into other places and other lives throughout the world.

Our classic namesake book from 1973, with over 1000 photos of amazing handbuilt shelters: huts, tents, domes, yurts, caves, barns, houseboats, treehouses, sheds, and much, very much more.

Our classic namesake book from 1973, with over 1000 photos of amazing handbuilt shelters: huts, tents, domes, yurts, caves, barns, houseboats, treehouses, sheds, and much, very much more.

New! 40th Anniversary Edition! The world’s most popular fitness book now has a new section on stretches and posture tips for smartphone users.

New! 40th Anniversary Edition! The world’s most popular fitness book now has a new section on stretches and posture tips for smartphone users.

The most recent entry in Shelter’s Library of Building Books, this covers homes from 400-1200 sq. ft. Smaller than a typical American home, and larger than a tiny home — just right! There are 65 buildings shown, with a variety of designs, materials, and locations.

Small Homes covers homes from 400-1200 sq. ft. Smaller than a typical American home, and larger than a tiny home — just right! There are 65 buildings shown, with a variety of designs, materials, and locations.

This book on building with ­natural materials is the first English translation of an international best-selling construction manual.

This book on building with ­natural materials is the first English translation of an international best-selling construction manual.

A unique turn-of-the-century catalog from a London manufacturer of prefabricated greenhouses, sheds, shacks, small buildings, stables, kiosks, and rustic furniture.

A unique turn-of-the-century catalog from a London manufacturer of prefabricated greenhouses, sheds, shacks, small buildings, stables, kiosks, and rustic furniture.

Home Work is our sequel to Shelter and illustrates new and even more imaginative ways to put a roof over your head.

Home Work is our sequel to Shelter and illustrates new and even more imaginative ways to put a roof over your head.

Photos and interviews with builders from San Francisco up the coast to Vancouver Island, BC.

Photos and interviews with builders from San Francisco up the coast to Vancouver Island, BC.

Our book about house trucks, campers, road rigs, handmade trailers, houseboats, sailboats, and small mobile living.

Our book about house trucks, campers, road rigs, handmade trailers, houseboats, sailboats, and small mobile living.

Here are some 60 structures, shaped by whatever is lying around on the beach. Anonymous — no one knows who built them, and ephemeral — they never last long: victims of wind, waves, and high tides.

Here are some 60 structures, shaped by whatever is lying around on the beach. Anonymous — no one knows who built them, and ephemeral — they never last long: victims of wind, waves, and high tides.

This is a revised edition of our handbook and guide to the basics of septic systems.

This is a revised edition of our handbook and guide to the basics of septic systems.

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